A short history of the amazing Helen Keller

Helen Keller's story has inspired millions around the world and won two Oscars while doing it.

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The woman who inspired Helen Keller's mother: Laura Bridgman

Laura Bridgman became the first Deafblind child to learn to read and write and inspired Charles Dickens to write about her.

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The gifted poet that kept creating after he lost his hearing and sight: John Clemo

His atmospheric depictions of the Cornwall coast define his talent and his ability to continue after later life Deafblindess.

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The Legacy of Alice Betteridge

Alice Betteridge changed they way Deafblind children were seen in Australia and made sure everyone could see their potential rather than a disability.

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The first Deafblind person to get a Masters degree: Bob Smithdas

Later to become Dr Bob Smithdas, famous interviewer Barbara Walters said he was her most memorable interview.

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