IAA during COVID

Thank you to our COVID IAA funders

During this difficult time for our whole nation COS and its staff have been extremely busy providing much needed services for those who can not readily access information. Information so important that it saves lives. However, we would not have been able to do this without our very special COVID funders. Without their generous donations information most of take for granted would not have reach some of the most vulnerable people in our community and for this we thank them. 

So would you like to meet them? You can find out more below.

Founded in 2001 by Steve Morgan CBE, to support projects that help children and families, people with physical or learning disabilities, the elderly, or those that are socially disadvantaged in North Wales, Merseyside and Cheshire. Assets of £300m committed since 2001.

To find out more about the Steve Morgan Foundation follow the link: https://stevemorganfoundation.org.uk

The Moondance Foundation is a family charitable foundation, set up by Diane and Henry Engelhardt to further their family’s philanthropy and giving.

To find out more about the Moondance Foundation follow the link: https://moondancefoundation.org.uk

Postcode Community Trust supports smaller charities and good causes in Wales to make a difference to their community for the benefit of people and planet. 

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have funded good causes in every postcode area in Britain. To find out more follow the link: https://www.postcodecommunitytrust.org.uk