Hwyl fawr, Linda

With great sadness, we have to tell everyone associated with COS that our friend and colleague, Linda Sullivan, has sadly lost her battle with the Coronavirus.

For over a year, many thousands of people have lost the same fight, and where we feel a collective sorrow as a nation, this is a personal tragedy for everyone who knew Linda. One deeply felt.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Linda’s family. We can only imagine the weight of your loss by the heavy and painful one we feel. Linda had been an extremely diligent interpreter for COS for over 9 years, and her passing will ensure the comfort and professionalism she gave will be missed by so many.

We will miss Linda for more than all she did in her role and the vocation she was dedicated to. We will also all miss the things that made Linda, well, Linda. Her infections laugh and quick sense of humour, a friend you could always go to, and the joy she was able to bring to others, whether that was to a colleague or friend—all of which she would often do with a cheeky little wink-And to Linda, we can pay no greater compliment than to say you will be missed.

Goodbye, our Linda.